Putting the U in Universe
Hello there! My name is Jonathan, and I am the artist behind Lunar Queer Art. I am a freelance artist who dabbles in a few different mediums varying from illustration, painting, character design and indoor artworks like murals and stage design. Below is where you can get to know a bit about me and my own journey through life and how it connects me to my art.
The Stars in My Constellation

As a person, I like to stray away from comparing myself to other people. For each person you see and come across, all have different stories and experiences that make them truly who they are today. Some people, their story doesn't matter all too much to them, for me, its the opposite. My experience and what I've learned from them, have shaped me into the person that I am today. I've been described as an old soul, experiencing my parents divorce at the age of seven, really puts life into perspective, as you begin to compare your own home experiences to others, and vice versa. Growing up, I don't really think I truly fit in. I've had this inner feeling of always feeling like I'm an outcast and its been something I've learned to shake off as of now, even when it bubbles back to pay me a visit. This may be due to childhood traumas I've experienced which I don't plan on sharing here along with being a queer person in catholic school settings, being the kid allergic to peanuts so you have to sit by yourself at lunch, switching schools a few times, split holidays, etc. Life sorta has played its cards in an interesting way to where I've felt disconnected from others.
In order for me to find some level of connection to self and expression, I found art. Art has been something so ingrained in me as a person as far back as I can remember. Its been my escape, my solace and my vessel for communicating feelings words can't. As I've grown up and truly have begun to understand my place in my own life experience, I've become quite a spiritual person. Spirituality is something that, for me, I believe is very individual. Each person has their own definitions on it and associations back to themselves. I find that really beautiful. An overarching thing in spirituality is the understanding of connection and purpose. My art has taken on a spiritual lens for me. I understand that what I create has potential to have meanings for viewers that is completely detached from me, or even, the viewer can comprehend exactly what Im hoping to say.
Lately with my art, my focus has been the connection with the inner child. Writing this in 2022, the world is still facing its long term effects from the ongoing pandemic, and art is still that place of safety for me. My hopes with the art I produce and create can help the viewer find some level of joy and happiness when viewing my art. A mini escape from the ongoing chaos of our ever-changing world.
Straying away from depth and focusing more on lighter things, to get to know me a bit better. I am a queer 22 year old individual who enjoys the simple things in life, but in sometimes an extravagant lens. If a friend were to ask me what I'd like to do, my first response would probably be "lunch in the forest and making art". At this point in my own life, I truly value deeper connections, for the deeper you go, the easier it flows. I love a good cold brew with mocha and oat milk (its literally caffeinated chocolate milk, so good), tacos, taking photos with my friends, exploring, nature watching, fantasy, Star Wars, Tarot, astrology, horror movies (its specific though, not just any horror, top 3 are The Shining, Misery and the Saw franchise), rollercoasters and comedy. Oh, a good cheese plate too.
I think that'll do for now :) At the time I am writing this, I am currently working on a graphic novel that talks more about me and my experiences that have helped to shape me into who I am, so you will be able to know more about me soon!
Photos featured taken by Emma Fredericks; https://www.instagram.com/emmafredericksphotography/
Soundtrack by: [Prod. Jefe]; https://www.instagram.com/itsjefe1/
If you are interested in working with me on larger projects, please email me and we can chat further!